Our Services:

  • DNA Ancestor Clearing

    Take a journey with a guided meditation through your heart to find what is blocking you and clearing it once and for all.

  • Dark entity release and Clearing

    Dark Entity Release nd Clearing.

    Discover what and who is taking your energies and blocking you from having the life you deserve.

  • Accelerated Ascension Program

    This is a power house 5 session series ! You will clear away what is holding you back in all dimensions of time and space.

  • Conversations with Trintinans

    Discover the origin of the Palonette crystal by connecting with your Tritinian crystalline guide and the collective consciousness originating from the 7th dimension!

  • Nameology Readings

    Find out what your name or business name has in store for you in this lifetime and if you are in perfect alignment with it!