ONYA-SOPHIA & MARK SORENSEN Onya Sophia and Mark Sorensen are twin flames, two souls that were split at the beginning of time and destined to find each other again. They have come to this earth to fulfill a mission, to help humanity heal. Their bond is unbreakable, and they have a unique connection that transcends time and space. They understand each other's thoughts and feelings without saying a word, and their love for each other is unconditional. But their purpose is not just to be together, but to use their energy and love to help humanity. They are here to remind people that love is the most potent healing force in the universe and that everyone has the power to access it. Onya and Mark have a deep understanding of the human psyche, and they know how to connect with people on a soul level. They use their experiences and knowledge to help people release their emotional wounds and trauma. They teach people to let go of pain and negative emotions and embrace love and forgiveness. When people connect with their energy, they feel a sense of profound peace, and they begin to heal from the inside out. Onya and Mark also help people connect with their higher selves. They remind people that they are all divine beings with unlimited potential and that they must align with their true selves to lead fulfilling lives. Their message is simple yet powerful- love is the key to healing, and when humanity embraces this truth, the world will transform. In conclusion, Onya Sophia and Mark Sorensen are twin flames with a higher purpose- to help humanity heal. Their love, energy, and wisdom are transforming lives, and they serve as an example that we can all use our gifts to make a positive impact on the world.r gifts and knowledge intact and Mark was awakened by the spirit of his Twin Flame 15 years ago. Noteably, anyone who comes into contact with them, combined with their twin Flame Energies, are awakened, and activated on some level long before their work is even started. They are the real deal and are the known as The Healer of Healers! Or what one would say, “Your One Stop Ascension Shop!”