The Map of Consciousness.

Dr. Hawkins was a renowned psychologist who was dedicated to helping his patients achieve spiritual enlightenment. One of his most powerful tools was the Map of Consciousness. This chart helped individuals understand their current level of consciousness and identify the steps they needed to take towards growth.

The Map of Consciousness depicted different emotions and their corresponding levels of consciousness. At the bottom of the chart were emotions such as shame and guilt, which represented the lowest level of consciousness. As one progressed up the chart, they would find more positive emotions such as love and joy, which represented higher levels of consciousness.

Dr. Hawkins believed that by identifying where one was on the Map of Consciousness, they could then take the necessary steps to elevate their consciousness and live a more fulfilling life. He often used this tool in his therapy sessions to help his patients achieve their goals and overcome their struggles.

The Map of Consciousness was not just limited to personal growth, but it also had implications for the collective consciousness. Dr. Hawkins believed that by raising the overall level of consciousness, we could create a more peaceful and harmonious world.

Today, the Map of Consciousness is still widely used by therapists and spiritual practitioners around the world. It is a powerful tool for those seeking to understand themselves and their place in the world. By using the Map of Consciousness, people can take the first step towards a more fulfilling and enlightened life. You may have heard about Dr. David Hawkins From Sedona, Arizona. He wrote may books and the one that stands out most is “Power vs Force”. It was here where he wrote about consciousness and created a measurable scale to test where humans frequency vibrates at on their evolutionary path. Palonette crystals have been know to do exactly just that. It has been tested with Kinesiology techniques, that by holding or wearing a crystal for 10 minutes or more, raises ones frequency. Most of humanity rests between 250 and 310 on the Map of Consciousness, the area on the map in green. One thing that he stated was that humans evolve approximately 5 to 10 points in Energetic Frequency on the map in each lifetime.

Imagine if you could speed up the process and make your way to enlightenment frequencies at an accelerated pace. Crystals with high frequencies such as Palonette take you anywhere from 30 to 400 points on the Chart. Think about what you could do with a crystal or an elixir created from Palonette. If you could, Imagine the possibilities and results extraordinaire!!


On Thursday, January 26, 2012, 4:43 AM, Jeremiah Davis <> wrote:

(Jeremiah Davis is a General for the Galactic Federation and a CIA Operative.

The soil samples were retrieved with a spaceship from the Galactic Federation Fleet and the soil sample tests and origin are described in the e-mail below.)


Forgive me for being late in getting this information to you. I just received it tonight from our scientist that was investigating the unknown element. I had to copy it from a portable drive that you would not have been able to read from an ordinary PC or MAC computer. Please forgive my sloppy typing. I had to eliminate much of the content that I could not translate into English. However, the essence is here. I used a Word compatible format that you should be able to read on your computer.

These samples were taken as I explained on the phone. Our beams were set to penetrate 36 inches deep, and throw the soil particles into the air, which were then captured by the suction of the returning beam and deposited into a small individual container for each sample. Each sample is subjected to several means of analysis which I am not able to describe. I watched a couple of them being performed, but I am definitely not educated on these high tech means. I know there are several spectrometer tests, chemical tests, and one called a distron analysis.

The others were

too far above my head to comprehend. The unknown element was from a planet that we have little exchange of knowledge with, but was able to track down a name and vague description. Apparently it is a metal that spacecraft and other devices are made from. The name is Palonette. That is a translation from a language that we are not highly knowledgeable of. This element is not found on any of our 574 planets, but apparently is plentiful on a planet called Trintin, which is in this galaxy about 130 light years from planet Earth. They were known to explore the galaxy about 1000 years ago, but wars apparently set them back beyond that capability. Apparently they were in Texas at one time, and probably lost a spacecraft on your property, due to an explosion caused by unknown reasons.

I am sure your soil sampling will turn up adequate analysis of the land too. I am not sure where the format for the report came from. I would imagine one of our scientists studied earth tests to learn what information to put on the report. Our reports are much more detailed and I do not comprehend all of the symbols and formulas displayed. This may not help you in any of your decisions concerning the land, but I hope your tests will give you more information.

I came home earlier than usual to get this to you and try to get a little sleep. I have been going day and night for several days. So much is happening on this planet and the other ones too. We have many new projects we are working on. I look forward to talking to you again soon. I will forward a copy of this to Don too. He will be interested. I have been too busy to call him. I will try to today.

Good luck and God Bless in all you put your hands to.

All you alphabet agencies and alien groups that are monitoring this e-mail, have a nice day and enjoy the read. Just remember, we are watching you too.


Click here to read the Soil Analysis from Duane’s Property in Texas!