June 15 - 16

Scottsdale, AZ

June 21 - 23

Castaic Lake Lagoon, CA

  • Onya Sophia Collection

    Our founder’s personal curation of select Palonette crystals wrapped in one collection.

  • John Farris Collection

    Explore the unparalleled creative wonder that is the John Farris Palonette collection.

  • Palonette X Orgonite

    Crystallized Palonette infusions that take you to the next level of your journey!

  • Raw Palonette

    Experience the energies of your own crystalline Palonette trace element.

Check out our interview with the cosmic exploration author & galactic historian, Ismael Perez!

Where do Palonette crystals come from?

It all begins with a conversation and a meeting at UFO Mega Conference in Laughlin, NV., June 2021. Then an agreed upon trip to Duane Ollinger’s Blind Frog Ranch in Vernal, UT. After spending 3 days and 2 nites on the land and having a fly over by a UFO, we decided to also investigate Duane’s other properties. One in Montezuma, New Mexico and the other in Amarillo, Texas. There we also discovered interesting phenomena along with the crystallized Palonette element we are now bringing forward to the public for the first time since its discovery and analysis back in 2012.

What People Are Saying…


“I have enjoyed the extra energies I have since our session and using the Accelerated Ascension Elixir” I am now literally jumping out of bed in the mornings instead of lazying around. My energies are consistently abundant and overflowing. Thank you for such a wonderful gift and blessing.

— Christine Thompson

“I was able to get a full nights sleep with out being taken in the night and experimented by aliens and awakening with marks and needle spots on my skin. Thank you for helping me understand more and for clearing these entities away!”

— James Neghali


“I felt I was knocking on deaths door and I was even making funeral arrangements! Working with these crystalline Palonette energies and Onya Sophia has truly brought me back to life. I feel I’ve gotten my life back and I’m Ascending higher every day now!”

— Vickie Tillemans


Have you ever been to a destination that was so lovely that you wondered what it could possibly be like to live there, and not have to leave? What if you found a place like that within yourself? Onya and Mark are experts at guiding you along the inner terrain to healing and peace. This work is not just something that they do -it is what they are! I am blessed to have found them, and I thank myself for following my heart in choosing to work with them!”

— Robert Markham


“My Work with Onya and Mark supported by these amazing otherworldly crystals, is like drinking from the Fountain of life through a firehose. The results are cosmic expansion, deep self-awareness, physical and emotional repair and renewed life force. Thank you! Thank you! and Thank you!”

— Sharole Hawkins

Contact us!

(928) 224-9410
